For those of you who missed the community meeting on Sunday with Chris Penk MP, Marja Lubeck MP, and Greg Sayers (Rodney Councillor) at Huapai District School, here are the notes from the meeting.…/1tdUkdPdOMTWr18It0w8…/view…

Kumeu Community Action (KHRRA)
These are the notes from the 21 March at Huapai District School with guests
Chris Penk MP, Marja Lubeck MP and Greg Sayers- Auckland Council.

Issue 1 – High School
• MP’s and community to access roll numbers in our local schools and build a case why waiting
till 2025 or later is unrealistic.
• Investigate how the MOE can be convinced to move the timeframe forward.
• MoE had talked about different timeframes (i.e. 2026 or 2030) which one is correct? –
planning needs to happened now:

  • Land needs to be designated
  • Support for Chris Penk’s postcard submission calling for action.
  • Build the case for the school using increased school numbers, reduced commuting time,
    traffic congestion issues, the need for community facilities, massive growth expected…
    • The ex DSIR land next to the show grounds is being disposed of by the Crown – Ngāti
    Whātua o Kaipara have first right of refusal it is believed. This is an ideal site for a school
    and is believed to be one of the sites the MOE are looking at. It is by no means certain that
    this will become the site for the college at this time.
    • Grey Sayers could provide building consenting figures for the area which supports the need
    for a high school
    Issue 2 – Traffic congestion
    • Community needs to push for Stage 2 works to happen first to address congestion (Chris
    • Need to stop further development – why can’t AC stop approving resource consents until
    supporting infrastructure is there? (Greg Sayers answered why this is not possible)
    • 4-lane SH16 to Taupaki turn off, then 3 lanes with dynamic lane signalling could be a possible
    • Need Central Govt. support to ensure future Special Housing Areas aren’t approved without
    infrastructure being upgraded.
    • Current SH16 are being held up with the current Environment Court case – how can the
    community provide submissions supporting Stage 2 works? Has the extra land been bought
    or negotiations started.
    • $100 million of developer contributions – however only some of DC’s would be being spent
    back in the area, but that figure is difficult to define. (Greg Sayers) It is impossible to find out
    what percentage of rates and contributions is spent in Rodney. Indicates a lack of
    transparency by AC financial controllers.

Issue 3 – Bypass
• Route needs to be confirmed and designated as a matter of priority.
• Fletchers do not have plans to develop Taupaki site for at least 10 years, currently having
discussions with NZTA (From member of community)
• Landowners are currently having discussions with NZTA – looks like the alignment may be
confirmed by July
• Need a strong community voice to advocate for our area – Chris Penk’s postcard submission
addresses this.
• Council needs to improve the process for informing future landowners as buyers who bought
in the last year were blindsided when they found out about the bypass’s closeness to their
property. Land agents and council were asked but did not give information that was helpful
to the buyer.

Issue 4 – Trains
• No valid reason for not having trains – politically motivated decision.
• Needs strong community support – campaign to target Michael Wood and postcard
submissions was presented by Christine Rose (trains to Huapai.
• Marja Lubeck indicated Michael Wood was open to looking at the option.
• The Supporting Growth report does not include commuter trains to Huapai as an option
which was considered politically motivated given no revised costs have been done after the
Swanson Tunnel has been upgraded and the track improved.
Issue 5 – Rural internet

• Talk to Chris Penk if experiencing problems – sometimes internet can be improved on a case-
by-case basis (Chris Penk)

• Data connection is an option to improve connectivity. (Community member)
• Second phase of broadband happening now, anticipated to reach 80% of people within the
community. (Marja Lubeck)
Issue 6 – Road sealing and Rates increase
• 10 Year budget proposes a rates increase (5% on average likely) but 16% for a significant
number of properties in the area due to a proposal to zone them urban with similar access to
facilities found in central Auckland. This was strongly disputed by all at the meeting.
• Submissions are strongly encouraged before 12pm 22 March. – decision to be made in June
by Auckland Council.
• Budget for road sealing has been cut by 66% – residents are encouraged to contact council to
get potholes fixed as they are not routinely checking the roads.

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